Vensuian barbie is the name of a feminist content creator on tiktok.com . a self described 'female blackpiller' (about as intelligent as it sounds), she pushes her autismal 'femellique' ideology to women. she mainly advocates that women date hypergamously (specifically megarich guys), advocates for the manipulation of men, pushes her "science-backed" narratives in an intellectual embracement of contempt for males and females alike, dreams of a authoratarian matriarchy, and she really really hates traditional women (lol).
>if you date a man who isn't rich, you are just his maid
>men only want tradwifes becuz thems cant afford maids
>house chores is domestic labor
>a trad wife is a slave to her husband
>stay at home wife that doesn't have to do house chores (lol)
>if men TRULY loves a woman he will hustle until he can afford private chefs and maids!
somehow i really think that this venus person is a mega retard, portraying being a tradwife as slave work. She refers to chores as 'domestic labor', while that is a valid term for it the intended effect is to make it seem worse than it really is. Yes, being a stay at home mom is never easy work, but you're autistic if you believe it is akin to being a slave. And no, a housewife is not 'just a maid' to her husband. she is also a mother to his kids and a beloved wife. She assumes that every man out there is a predator that just wants his floor mopped by some poor woman. no, it's not that bad; most men are good men. So stop trying to paint this picture that men in traditional relationships are masters to their slave wives.
She makes a ridiculous statement about how if men really loved women they would wait until they could afford private chefs and maids before dating them, so that the woman doesn't have to worry about house chores. The most retarded and out of touch thing i've heard from anyone ever lol. most people will never become wealthy enough to afford fulltime employees at the house even with years of hard work, and she expects them to make all this money and do all this shit to prove that they merely love their partner? Yeah, then i guess 99% of marriages aren't real love all because the man isn't rich and doesn't have maids wiping the countertops for his wife. get a hold of yourself, please.
the only point she's making here is that it's easier to raise a family when you're rich. wow, who could have guessed. who could've known that life is easier when you have maids cleaning the house for you?
>true love is not possible with a man (except rich high value man lol)
>romance is a manipulation technique invented by low value poorons!
>if you disagree you're a coping normie and a pickme!
i believe her intellectuality is much to her own detriment, since she can easily justify her retarded beliefs by citing papers of male psychology. It's easy to correlate your negative experiences to shit you read online and that's when you start to spout ridiculous beliefs, like how love is not possible with a man and that romance is fake and was invented by broke dudes to get women. She hates redpilled alphabros, but doesn't she realize she's the female equivalent of them? She says the same type of things about men that the redpillers say about women. there's a comment on this video that i really agree with, he says that all these "science-backed" narratives are an intellectual embracement of hatred. The same way racists try to prove white supremacy with skewed complex statistics to paint a rudimentary picture. You could replace her reply, Knowing male psychology isn't hatred. Hope that helps with some racist shit and it has the same effect; It's a non argument.

i have to give ms Venusian barbie a couple good boy points. she disapproves promiscuity (yay!) and she makes a slideshow responding to the viral tinder screenshot where women are fawning over this guy who very blatantly states that he has a criminal record for beating a woman. I have to agree that lookism exists in both men and women, and it's very unfortunate.
and unfortunately i have to take them away, because she backtracks when she tries to say that it 'dont go both ways' because 'men do it more'. Bro, please, it was never a competition.
>dont get into a relationship unless if you followed my guides her guide being: >do a psychologist administered personality test for dark triad traits
>if your man shows signs of dark triad in the test then he is more likely to be abusive and rape your kids, and you should LEAVE him!
>hyperanalyze and psychologically profile men (lol)
yes, because good relationships start when you shove personality tests on the other person to make sure they aren't abusive. how about getting to know the person instead, LOL! it was never this deep. this is an incredibly dogmatic way of thinking she's pushing to her followers and you're only setting yourself up for failure. no, its not this bad. most people are good people and you dont have to go through these retarded lengths to make sure a man is loyal. now i wonder, is she or the man paying for his administered personality test to check for dark triad traits?
for funsies, i did the HEXACO personality test myself. i sincerely hope i'm not a rapist.
>men will say, "if it werent for men you wouldnt have xyz"
>but when it comes to rape and violence, "not all men!"
>you cant hvae it both ways, you claim the good you claim the bad.
they aren't claiming or taking responsibility to have built the world. lots of feminists that they see on the internets like to say shit like "m*n aren't shit, we don't need m*n, bone marrow babies 4 da winz!" they are simply stating that it was primarily men who build the cities and run infrastructure. it was many bright minds of men who invented many of the luxuries society enjoys today. "if it werent for men you wouldnt have xyz" is a response to what those feminists say. "not all men" is very applicable there.
the feminists that they see also like to paint pictures and make generalizations about men by the actions of the minority of them, like how men are evil, how they are rapists, how they are violent. and then you have the whole 'man or bear' situation.they feel attacked by feminists, which is where the "not all men" response comes from.