no phones allowed
What dose KGHA stand for?
K - Kool
G - Gangsta
H - Hops
A - Around


whats up HvHers this is KGHA/cute sweet angel girl/leet_kitty/prince lothric back at it agian. this is my 6th and official (OFFICIAL!!) web site for the latest HVH / garry's mod / alternative music / lyfe happenings. shout out to Lucy, mikey, and Jesus Christ for saving me with your precious blood. Lord god, i come to you as a sinner, and i humbly repent for my sins. I recieth jesus to take control of my life, i belive that jesus is lord, i believe he died on the coross for my sins, and that you revived him from the dead. I will wipe out the anti christ in the lord's name, amen.
NO MINECRAFTARDS WILL BE SHOWN!!!!! minecraft hvh = illegitmite hvh. go cry to notch lol keep seething in my uutube comments XD
i do not endorse interium or gamesense
"LARP LEET LAWL" i can smeel the windows 10 from here LOL!
this is not a bit this is not a bit this is not a bit
autism and schizofphrenia WILL BE TOLERATED!!! send your best clips and story times to my discord@kgha.
racism is against TOS.
/pol/tardation is haram.
i do not condone swatting and doxxing.
""'COM'""fags look away NOW!!!
its pronounced "GOOEY".
all people with 'inqq' in their name DNI!!!

hood klassiek de deuchland

volume warning desu
Lol daemon the autist got swatteed over online argument. Rest in piece br0ther, i will always remember you for having the most roflable spergs in chat. Rest up nigga this yo day. U was lyfe and lyfe once was you....tfw ur the retarded gmod player ever........hope u enjoyed dat pizza.
btw whats ur high score in

PS dont let this nigga Tyler Sellers know that varg is a neo-nazi. his drummer's vest has a burzum patch LAWL. also, he unironically thinks that ghost is metal.
tyler sellers

iave been listeneing to Saidan for a month before i learned the frontman for the band is a comletely retarded metalcore tourist. he sperged about driving away all nazis in the bm scene lawl. like nigga this black metal Who da fuck cares?? Tyler was also caught trying to make a record deal with a label that is known for nsbm and when he was called out he tried to say he was "insiding" the nazis. (he didnt get signed because of the instagram comments LOL!!1!) this faggot is also a weeaboo who has claimed he is japanese on multiple occassions when he is a white boy based in tenessee.U cane always separate the art from the artist, right?? XD
L000L Sh1t3d on N3RD XDD

welcome to the my HvH news letter a friendly family documentative medium covering the hacker vs. hacker community.
daemot get got lol
Lol daemon the autist got swatteed over online argument. Rest in piece br0ther, i will always remember you for having the most roflable spergs in chat. Rest up nigga this yo day. U was lyfe and lyfe once was you....tfw ur the retarded gmod player ever........hope u enjoyed dat pizza
(avery) whats ur high score in
(daemon) kill urself faggot